- double-base powder propellant
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
double-base powder — noun : an explosive powder or propellant that contains nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin as the essential components compare single base powder … Useful english dictionary
single-base powder — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ noun : an explosive powder or propellant that contains nitrocellulose as the only essential component compare double base powder … Useful english dictionary
propellant — /preuh pel euhnt/, n. 1. a propelling agent. 2. the charge of explosive used to propel the projectile from a gun. 3. a substance, usually a mixture of fuel and oxidizer, for propelling a rocket. 4. a compressed inert gas that serves to dispense… … Universalium
Smokeless powder — is the name given to a number of propellants used in firearms and artillery which produce negligible smoke when fired, unlike the older gunpowder (black powder) which they replaced. The basis of the term smokeless is that the combustion products… … Wikipedia
Rocket propellant — is mass that is stored, usually in some form of propellant tank, prior to being used as the propulsive mass that is ejected from a rocket engine in the form of a fluid jet to produce thrust.Chemical rocket propellants are most commonly used,… … Wikipedia
rocket and missile system — ▪ weapons system Introduction any of a variety of weapons systems that deliver explosive warheads to their targets by means of rocket propulsion. Rocket is a general term used broadly to describe a variety of jet propelled missiles… … Universalium
Indiana Army Ammunition Plant — It consisted of three areas within two separate but attached manufacturing plants: * Indiana Ordnance Works Plant 1 (IOW#1): (3,564.71 acres) made smokeless powder * Indiana Ordnance Works Plant 2 (IOW#2): (2,757.49 acres) made rocket propellant… … Wikipedia
Internal ballistics — Internal ballistics, a subfield of ballistics, is the study of a projectile s behavior from the time its propellant s igniter is initiated until it exits the gun barrel. The study of internal ballistics is important to designers and users of… … Wikipedia
Artillery — For other uses of the term, see Artillery (disambiguation). Warfare Military history Eras Prehistoric Ancient … Wikipedia
Cordite — Not to be confused with Cordaites, the extinct tree. A stick of cordite from World War II … Wikipedia
explosive — explosively, adv. explosiveness, n. /ik sploh siv/, adj. 1. tending or serving to explode: an explosive temper; Nitroglycerin is an explosive substance. 2. pertaining to or of the nature of an explosion: explosive violence. 3. likely to lead to… … Universalium